
English test

Corporación de Estudio, Capacitación y Empleo Cámara de la Producción y del Comercio de Concepción. Liceo Industrial Fundación Federico Schwager

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 English test (40 points)                                                          Name:                                                              Grade:                               Date:  Note: We use simple past for past actions (or past events) that are finished or completed. 1- ) Tense chart   (18 points total – 1 point each) ü       Put this sentences into the “negative form”, “questions form” or “affirmative form”


Negative Question form
0.- I went to the Iquique desert last summer     (example)I did not go to the Iquique desert last summer!  (example) Did I go to the Iquique desert last summer?  (example)
1.-  Where was Amundsen from?
2.- Scott’s last letter was to his wife   
3.- The test was very difficult  
4.- The explorers did not have many problems during the exploration! 
5.-  Did I love traveling?
6.- Anthony canoed down the Nile River when he visited  Egypt   
7.- I did not go climbing a couple of weeks ago 
8.- Both teams did not organize food depots 
9.- He wrote a letter full of sadness to his wife  
 2. - Incorrect Sentences (12 points total - 2 points each) Ø       Correct the following sentences. The first one is an example

Incorrect version

Corrected version
a) When did they went?   X  When did they go?   
b) Marcia and carol did not learnt how to fly! 
c) My grandfather and I visited not the Sahara desert four years ago! 
d) They explored on a safari last month 
e) Take off youth sweeter, please! 
f) I did a very good student when I was younger  
g) She’d loved to go skiing on Chillan Termas  
 3. - Vocabulary Item (10 points total – 1 point each) v      Choose the word that is different to the rest. The first one is an example. a) Student – pupil – doctor         (example) b) Depots – deposit – desert c) Swimming - skimming – scanning – reading d) Journey – race - trip – travel e) Cheerful – happy – devastated f) Extraordinary – deadly – remarkable 4 - Regular and Irregular Verbs (10 points total, ½ point each)
  • Complete the chart. The first one is an example for you.

Regular verbs

Irregulars verbs
Infinitive form Past form Infinitive formPast form
Listen listened (example) Think Thought (example)
   Climb  be 
Reach  Have 
Remember  Sing 
Recognize Know  
Discuss  Read  

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